123Sponsor - Projects in sport

Selection of projects in sport

If there was to be a premier category in Sponsoring, there is no doubt that it should be Sport. Certainly because this category contains a large number of sub-categories attached to it.
Honestly, this is also the theme that holds the attention of the general public the most and generates enthusiasm in them unlike any other. What about the Olympic Games, World Athletics Championships, Football and Baseball Championships, all of which have a global audience and spectacular economic benefits?
It is not without reason that Sport rhymes with Sponsor. ..
At the same time, Sport is also the type of project which can make the biggest brands react on a global scale as well as SMEs or mid-cap companies at national or even regional level.
It is also by promoting Sport that 123sponsor works to ensure that Sponsoring is democratized and accessible to all kinds of Companies to enable them to communicate better.

123Sponsor presents high-level athletes, novice athletes and teams looking for funding: